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Local Food-Focused Support Networks Your Business Can Join

The Circular Glasgow Network

This network connects entrepreneurs, innovators and circular economy enthusiasts through business events and diverse knowledge sharing opportunities.  Circular Glasgow also provide support for climate action and circular business growth. It’s easy and free to join – and you can fill out the registration form here.

Glasgow Sustainable Food Directory

Created in collaboration by the Glasgow Food Policy Partnership and Slow Food Glasgow, the key aim of the GSFD is to map the city’s most sustainable restaurants and food shops in one handy resource, to encourage both residents and tourists to support local, sustainable businesses. Check out the online interactive map here.

As well as promoting sustainable consumption, the directory also aims to encourage businesses themselves to make the switch to sustainability. If you’re interested in joining a likeminded community of sustainable hospitality businesses, why not apply for the third edition of the GSFD? Check out the GSFD Sustainability Toolkit before the submissions for the third edition open soon here.

Slow Food Glasgow

The Glasgow branch of a global charity, this network connects people interested in promoting a sustainable system of food production and consumption. They also host a variety of exciting projects and events. If that’s up your street, you can get involved in by contacting Slow Food Glasgow.

The Slow Food Cooks’ Alliance connects chefs from around the world interested in championing biodiversity, local produce and suppliers, and traditional methods of food preparation.

The Ark of Taste is a fantastic resource that catalogues local produce and suppliers in Scotland. It focuses on those who are integral to sustaining traditional food preparation methods, promoting biodiversity and heritage crops, and small-scale farming.